Week 18

Week eighteen, ahh the feeling of being thrown up in the air doing a 360, in case you weren’t Wondering I went to WonderWorks. We had a blast at WonderWorks I hung out with two of my friends Dylan, and Cadence, they went on a Space Training ride,IMG_5006 it spins you around over and over and over again, I was to much of a chicken to do it. But I did do the 360 Bikes ride and that was AWESOME! Me and my friend Cadence rode a ride we were in a space rollercoaster, when you sit down they strap you in with another person and they pull the capsule over you and it shows up a space roller coaster ride it spins up side down, right side up. We had a holiday party we had to wrap a present and ours was the worst but we were proud, we were suppose to make the box pop up but it was totally flat. I was chosen to be Santa Claus they stuck cotton balls on my chin. That was my eighteenth  week.


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